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Environmental services by True Environmental
Environmental Services

Construction and inspection services by True Environmental

Reliable Project Delivery

True Environmental offers construction supervision, inspection, and support services for various infrastructure, building, remediation, and demolition projects. We work with both public and private sector clients on significant projects for transportation agencies, multi-state agencies, municipalities, and Fortune 500 companies. Our staff is knowledgeable in permitting and compliance for current Federal, State, and local regulations giving us a unique skill set, delivering value to our clients and partners, especially on redevelopment and large-scale, high-profile construction projects where schedule management is critical.

Services Provided
  • Air Monitoring
  • Bid Support
  • Change Order Evaluation & Processing
  • Construction Monitoring & Inspection
  • Cost Estimating
  • Design Review
  • Dewatering & Treatment Design
  • Documentation & Reporting
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Lead & Asbestos Abatement Oversight
  • Noise & Vibration Monitoring
  • Office Engineering
  • Payment Requisition Review
  • Permitting
  • Piles & Foundations
  • Project Closeout
  • Punch List
  • QA/QC Services
  • Remedial Construction
  • Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plans
  • Utilities

Geospatial intelligence services by True Environmental

Increase Flexibility. Reduce Complexity.

Geospatial intelligence and tools add a new depth and dimension to project data by overlaying traditional project controls data over geographical locations, allowing you to access data wherever you are and capture and report real-time information using mobile devices. Geospatial intelligence has become an invaluable component of decision-making and analysis of project data. True Environmental offers various GIS services, from simple base map preparation and data analysis to modeling and mobile applications. We possess extensive experience applying many of Esri’s ArcGIS® software capabilities. True Environmental has performed simple mapping tasks to create figures for reports and presentations, created databases for maintaining a county-wide asset inventory, performed complex groundwater modeling, prepared elaborate constraints mapping tasks, and developed cloud-based GIS applications. Our staff has proven technical capabilities to fully utilize the resources contained within ArcGIS® software, extensions, and open-source technologies.

Services Provided
  • 3D Models
  • Asset Management
  • Asset/Map-Based Document Management
  • Bespoke & Custom Solutions
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  • Data Dashboards
  • Data Retrieval, Interpretation, Management & Analysis
  • Data Visualization & Analysis
  • ERP Software Integration
  • Field & Mobile Data Collection
  • GIS Mapping
  • Historical Data Acquisition
  • Litigation Support
  • Process & Workflow Refinement & Development
  • Real-Time Mapping & Analysis
  • Site Selection & Analysis
  • Site Suitability & Analysis
  • Spatial & Non-Spatial Data Integration
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Web Portals & Viewers

Environmental consulting by True Environmental

Supporting the Green Transition

True Environmental provides a unique multi-disciplinary approach to projects that involve the physical and natural environment. Long recognized for technical excellence, we bring more than three decades of successful, progressive environmental expertise to projects. We offer turnkey services, from the investigation of existing conditions, remedial investigations, and remediation design to the operation of treatment systems and construction oversight. In addition to remediation issues, True Environmental’s experienced professionals are qualified to address a wide variety of environmental health and safety issues from environmental permitting and compliance, hazardous waste/hazardous materials management, asbestos and lead, survey and design, environmental management systems and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. We provide services across various assignments, from simple property transactions to large-scale transportation and infrastructure design and construction projects. True Environmental provides full-service permitting associated with developing properties and infrastructure projects to allow for the seamless progression of projects. We also provide our clients with regulatory compliance services to allow them to conduct their daily operations. True Environmental understands that it is essential to identify environmental constraints before final design and construction, minimize the impact on the contaminated areas, and understand the nature and extent of the contamination before construction. In that way, the contamination can be more effectively managed, minimizing the impacts on cost and schedule.

Services Provided
  • Asbestos, Lead Paint Survey, Abatement Design & Project Monitoring
  • Construction Environmental Control Plans (CECP)
  • Construction Plans, Specifications & Cost Estimates
  • Corridor Analysis/Screening
  • Environmental Compliance Audits & Environmental Management Systems/ ISO 14001
  • Hazardous/Contaminated Materials Management
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
  • Phase I and II Environmental Assessments
  • Preliminary Assessments & Site Investigations
  • Regulatory Compliance & Permitting
  • Remedial Alternative Analysis & Remediation Design
  • Remedial Investigations (RIs) & Feasibility Studies (FS)
  • Spill Prevention, Control & Counter-measure (SPCC), Discharge Prevention Containment & Countermeasure (DPCC) Plans
  • Underground/Aboveground Tank Management & Removal

Environmental Social and Governance (Esg) services by True Environmental

Turn Sustainability Strategies into Action

Governments and capital markets increasingly require asset owners to sustainably manage environmental and social risks and opportunities. True Environmental’s environmental, health, and safety (EHS)/ESG infrastructure services have been designed to help our clients efficiently manage their social and environmental obligations through the complete project life cycle by marrying our technical expertise with our expanding knowledge of social, regulatory, and market expectations.

Services Provided
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Contractor Oversight
  • Development of EHS Programs to Comply with OSHA, EPA, & State Requirements
  • EHS Audits & Inspections
  • EHS Best Management Practice(s) Development
  • EHS Training
  • Emergency Action Plan Development
  • Emergency Response Preparedness & Plan Development
  • On-site EHS Staffing & Support

Marine and waterfront engineering services by True Environmental

Solutions for Complex Maritime Challenges

True Environmental delivers practical, cost-effective solutions in the marine and waterfront environment. Our marine personnel specialize in engineering, ecology, and surveying services that are unique to water-dependent projects and problems. True Environmental’s expertise and capabilities have a national scope, including deploying equipment and personnel at project sites and for emergency responses with limited notice. We approach our work with an entrepreneurial focus and recognize the paramount importance of reliability, cost, and schedule in project delivery. Likewise, we recognize the importance of professional relationships in the consulting business and work hard to maintain a great reputation with regulators, private industry, and colleagues. The True Environmental marine team includes engineers experienced in the heavy industrial port arena and balances that focus with a rich marine/ wetlands ecology history. We have designed and constructed some of the nation’s most innovative and sizeable mitigation projects. Similarly, we are leaders in the field of climate change resiliency, working with government agencies and private property owners to mitigate future flooding losses.

Services Provided
  • Beach Profiles
  • Climate Change Resiliency
  • Coastal Storm Response & Recover
  • Dredging & Disposal
  • FEMA Certifications & Map Modifications
  • GIS Mapping
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Hydrographic & Bathymetric Surveys
  • Oceanographic Instrumentation Deployment
  • Pipeline & Cable Route Surveys
  • Port & Marina Design
  • Riparian Surveys (Tidelands)
  • Sediment Sampling & Analysis
  • Shore Protection & Beach Nourishment
  • State & Federal Regulatory Permitting
  • Submerged Utilities
  • Underwater Inspections
  • Water Quality Sampling
  • Waterfront Redevelopment
  • Watershed Planning & Restoration
  • Wetland Delineation & Permitting
  • Wetland Mitigation/Restoration

Renewable energy projects by True Environmental

Bringing Renewable Energy to Market

As a full-service engineering and environmental firm specializing in renewable energy and resiliency projects, True Environmental understands the importance of developing and designing sustainable solutions. With a wealth of expertise in renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and hydro, our firm is uniquely positioned to assist clients at every stage of their renewable energy projects. From initial site assessments and feasibility studies to design and construction, we offer comprehensive services to meet each client’s specific needs and goals. Our skilled engineers, scientists, and planners collaborate closely with energy clients to develop innovative, cost-effective renewable energy solutions. Whether it’s optimizing the layout of a solar array to maximize efficiency, conducting environmental impact assessments to ensure compliance with regulations, or integrating energy storage systems for enhanced resiliency, we prioritize sustainability, reliability, and long-term performance in each of our endeavors, empowering clients to harness the power of renewable resources and build a cleaner, more resilient energy future.

Services Provided
  • Bathymetric Surveying
  • Ecology/Natural Resources/Wetlands
  • Environmental Consulting and Remediation – Superfund, State-Lead and Brownfield Programs
  • Environmental Planning (NEPA/SEQRA/CEQR)
  • Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
  • Grants & Funding Support
  • Hazardous Materials Abatement
  • Land Use Planning and Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP)
  • Litigation Support
  • Permitting/Regulatory Compliance
  • Project/Program Management
  • Regulated Building Material and Industrial Hygiene
  • Site/Civil Engineering
  • Survey and Mapping Services
  • Waterfront and Coastal Engineering

Engineered Solutions to Complex Environmental Challenges

Environmental and engineering services by True Environmental

Environmental project management services by True Environmental

Partnering with Clients for Flexible and Scalable Project Delivery Solutions

True Environmental serves as a “one-stop-shop” for our clients, providing turnkey services in project planning, design, procurement, construction, and operations. We are bringing together multi-disciplined expertise, project management skills and training, broad technical staff in local offices and national design hubs across the U.S., and access to specialty consultants in a timely and efficient manner. We provide owners the support they need to plan, organize, and execute both individual projects and complex, multi-phase programs on time, at a high quality, and within budget. We know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every project and program is unique, and we work side by side with owners as integrated team members and trusted advisors to scale our team and solutions to deliver each project/program we touch successfully.

Services Provided
  • Basis of Design Coordination
  • Bid Analysis
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Change Management
  • Claims and Dispute Resolutions
  • Constructability Review
  • Construction Inspection
  • Construction Milestone Tracking
  • Contract Negotiations
  • Cost Engineering
  • Cost Estimating
  • Cross-Discipline Review and Coordination
  • Data Hosting
  • Document Controls
  • Impact Analysis
  • Office IT
  • Operational Readiness Oversight and Support
  • Payment Review
  • Performance Reporting
  • Project Planning
  • Project Structure Set-Up
  • Quality Assurance
  • Request for Qualifications/Proposal Drafting
  • Resource Planning
  • RFI and Submittal Oversight
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Scheduling
  • Site Safety and Security
  • Specialized Technical Support
  • Stakeholder Coordination

Public outreach and project planning by True Environmental

Success through Customized Outreach Plans

True Environmental recognizes the importance of effective public outreach during project planning. Our staff are well-versed in a wide range of public outreach strategies that can be implemented to maximize public interaction and yield constructive project input. The True Environmental public outreach team consists of environmental planners, technical experts, and former public servants with extensive experience organizing and conducting public outreach for various project types and at various stages in the project planning process. This gives us the expertise to carry out outreach services and enables us to guide and advise our clients in developing plans that meet their needs and those of the public. We understand the importance of keeping the public engaged throughout project planning and that public outreach is not limited to the general public. It entails outreach to key stakeholders, including regulatory and other agencies, municipalities, community organizations, advocacy and special interest groups, and property or business owners. Our experience has provided us with a wealth of knowledge regarding the needs of each of these groups. True Environmental understands the best ways to engage with the appropriate stakeholders in proactive dialogue. We tailor our public outreach approach for each project to optimize opportunities for productive public input by employing communication methods that have proven effective for similar projects and/or in similar communities.

Services Provided
  • Customized Public Involvement Plans
  • Mailing Lists, Newsletters, Fact Sheets
  • Meeting Facilitation/Moderation
  • Planning Public Informational Meetings/Public Hearings (In-Person or Virtual)
  • Social Media Communications
  • Stakeholder & Community Engagement
  • Surveys & Polling
  • Website Development & Maintenance

Resiliency planning and engineering services by True Environmental

Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing and Managing Climate Risks

True Environmental’s resiliency planning and engineering expertise is focused on adapting the natural and built world to a changing climate. We are leaders in the field of climate change resiliency, working with government agencies and private property owners to mitigate future flooding losses utilizing our comprehensive engineering, ecology, survey, and construction administration services. True Environmental’s expertise and capabilities have a national scope, including deploying equipment and personnel at project sites and for emergency responses with limited notice. We approach our work with an entrepreneurial focus and recognize the paramount importance of reliability, cost, and schedule in project delivery. Likewise, we recognize the importance of professional relationships in the consulting business and work hard to maintain a great reputation with regulators, private industry, and colleagues. The True Environmental resiliency team includes engineers experienced in marine/wetlands ecology and balances, focusing on a rich history in the heavy industrial port arena. We have designed and constructed some of the nation’s most innovative and sizeable mitigation projects.

Services Provided
  • FEMA Map Modifications
  • Floodproofing (sites & buildings)
  • Insurance Consulting
  • Living Shorelines & Marsh Restoration
  • Public Outreach
  • Risk & Vulnerabilities Assessments
  • Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning
  • Shore Protection
  • Stormwater Management
  • Transportation Resiliency
  • Utility Resiliency & Hardening

Site and civil engineering services by True Environmental

Providing Multi-Disciplinary Turnkey Services

True Environmental has a diversified staff of engineers, planners, and landscape architects who are experts at integrating new construction within existing communities. Our understanding of state and local permitting processes expedites the regulatory submissions and minimizes the public review process. The design team focuses on creating site plans that are sensitive to the community and environment while achieving land improvements that are functional and aesthetic. Site development in this age of numerous and varied regulatory requirements requires professionals who are skilled in grading, drainage, utilities, roadway, earthwork, and site lighting design, as well as environmental impact and land use permits. Our experience with civil and site design of various facilities, including schools, parks, medical centers, commercial development, petroleum storage, and distribution facilities, has exposed us to many local, state, and federal regulatory requirements. True Environmental also provides civil engineering services to develop major transportation, infrastructure, and facility projects for public sector clients, including airports, ports, and highway and rail facilities. Land development continues to become more and more challenging. Many state and municipal governing bodies have adopted the principles of, and are encouraging, “smart growth.” This concept encourages the redevelopment of urban and suburban sites, taking advantage of existing infrastructure and intelligent planning that incorporates solutions.

Services Provided
  • Construction Administration/Management
  • Coordination with Regulatory Agencies
  • Cut/Fill/Haul Calculations
  • Environmental Permit Acquisitions
  • Environmental Studies
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • HECRAS Modeling
  • Infrastructure Planning & Design
  • Land Surveying & Mapping
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Local Zoning/Planning Board Expert Testimony
  • Parking and Traffic Analysis
  • Retention/Detention Basins
  • Roadway Design
  • Rough & Finish Grading Plans
  • Site Feasibility & Cost Studies
  • Site Lighting
  • Site/Concept Planning
  • Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plans
  • Soils Investigations & Surveys
  • Stormwater Management
  • Wetland/Wastewater System

Environmental surveying and mapping by True Environmental

Delivering Accuracy

True Environmental continues expanding on its strong land surveying reputation, raising the bar for existing conditions data acquisition. Experienced in the preparation of surveys for transportation agencies, national and international corporations, developers, law firms, environmental firms, and A/E firms, True Environmental has prepared surveys for both public and private sector clients, including roadway and railway transportation projects, land development, right of way location and acquisition, construction, and natural resource boundaries, including riparian, tidelands and wetlands locations. Using a range of mapping techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to produce survey-grade deliverables, True Environmental delivers a highly accurate and efficient surveying process that helps keep projects on schedule and within budget.

Services Provided
  • Aerial Photo Control
  • ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
  • As-built Record Surveys
  • Boundary, Topographic & Utility Surveys
  • Construction Stakeout/Layout
  • Engineering & Architectural Surveys
  • Environmental Surveys
  • Expert Testimony
  • FEMA Flood Elevation Surveys & Certificates
  • GPS & Geodetic Surveys
  • Green Acres Program & Farmland Preservation Surveys
  • Hazardous Waste Site Surveys
  • High Definition Laser Scanning (HDS)
  • Hydrographic/Bathymetric Surveys
  • Legal Descriptions
  • Right-of-Way (ROW) & Route Surveys
  • Roadway Cross Sections
  • Tidelands & Riparian Surveys
  • Wetlands Location & Stream Surveys
True Environmental - Environmental Consulting and Engineering

Have an inquiry about our Environmental Services?

The realm of environmental consulting and engineering continually grows and evolves with new innovations. Contact True Environmental today about our environmental services!

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